If you want to become one of the best candid wedding photographers in Mumbai, then in addition to developing high skills with your camera, you must also focus on other aspects of wedding photography. As a wedding photographer, it is your job to capture some of the special moments of your clients' lives in polaroid. This is an immense responsibility and you must plan it thoroughly otherwise any misunderstanding or miscommunication could lead you into a big legal soup. The best wedding photographers in Udaipur who charge huge amounts of money for their work should be prepared for such situations beforehand. It would help in preventing any damage to their business or brand. In this article, we will share with you some of the legal traps that you should avoid in your line of work. However, we must warn you that if you are threatened with a lawsuit, then you should immediately consult a lawyer to deal with the situation in the best possible way.
Not having a wedding photography contract
Many times, wedding photographers who have
started their business do not insist on having a solid contract that would protect
their interest in case there is any legal issue. This is a big trap that can
cost you a lot of money as well as your reputation if your client brings
forward a lawsuit against you. Therefore, you must have a wedding photography
contract that would specify the responsibility of both the parties and some
other points like the turnaround time, refunds, pricing, cancellation, or
rescheduling policies.
Don’t stuff your contract with multiple clauses
You mustn't draw your legal contract yourself
by putting in multiple clauses that you have found on the Internet. You should
ask a lawyer to do this job for you so that there are no loopholes that can
land you in serious legal trouble.
insurance policies
In addition to a legal contract, you must also
have an insurance policy that would protect your business from those areas,
which might not have been covered through the contract. There are liability
insurance, equipment insurance, and several other policies that can safeguard
you from any lawsuits, accidental injuries to the client, defamation claims,
property damages, loss of photos due to cybercrime, or any technology-related
problems that have rendered your product unusable. You must always do proper
research and take the advice of an expert before you sign the insurance papers.
Make sure that the insurance policies that you have taken should cover all
Most of the time the client who needs to be
photographed is also the one who is paying for your services. However, on many
occasions, you will find that either the bride or groom have contacted you for
your services, but the payment is to be made by their parents. In such a
situation, you must first clearly identify the person who is going to make the
payment and sit down with him or her and explain the salient points of your
contract and get it signed by them. This will save you a lot of trouble in case
the parents refuse to pay the amount you have quoted later when the marriage
ceremony is over.
Website: https://www.picsurely.com/
Resource: https://picsurely.medium.com/various-law-challenges-wedding-photographers-face-ef7dc1fe6c2c
More Resources:
- Hiring a Wedding Photographer Assistant.
- How artists, photographers, and freelancers should adapt during the COVID-19 times.
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